
How To Cut Basil So It Keeps Growing

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There's nothing like fresh basil on pizza, pasta, or homemade bruschetta. Not only is harvesting leaves from your basil plant great for your dinner plans, information technology'due south actually besides necessary for keeping your plant strong and healthy. We'll testify you the easiest way to harvest fresh basil, plus how to store it so yous have delicious basil for weeks or months to come.

  1. 1

    Harvest leaves in one case the plant is 6 inches (fifteen cm) to 8 inches (20 cm) tall. When you water your basil plant, measure it with a tape mensurate or ruler to see how much it has grown. When the tallest role of the plant reaches 6 inches (15 cm), you tin can start to harvest its leaves. You should not permit your constitute exceed 8 inches (twenty cm) before trimming information technology.[1]

  2. ii

    Choice off small amounts of leaves whenever yous wish. Once your basil constitute is grown, y'all should experience gratuitous to pick off leaves whenever you want a fresh garnish. Remove a few leaves from each department of the plant without cutting off whatever stems. Even this very light harvesting will encourage your basil plant to grow fuller.[2]

    • It'due south best to harvest leaves from the top of the institute, which will lead to bushier, fuller growth. If yous harvest the bottom leaves, the plant volition grow lanky and sparse, and it might non be as salubrious or productive.[3]


  3. three

    Compression off basil leaves at the stem. When picking basil leaves, be gentle to avoid tearing them or damaging the stems they are attached to. Pinch basil leaves at their base, where they meet the stem. Gently pull away the entire leaf from the stem.[four]

    • You lot tin can besides cut leaves with a pocket-size pair of scissors. Be very careful non to cut the stalk while doing so.
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  1. ane

    Trim the plant from the summit down to remove stems. To remove full stems of basil, start from the top and piece of work your way downward. This kind of harvesting will remove a greater quantity of the plant so it should begin at the tallest, virtually full office of the found, leaving smaller shoots underneath to keep growing. For larger-calibration harvesting that you do every few weeks, aim to remove at least one third of the plant'due south total height.[five]

    • To remove stems easily, utilise small pair of scissors.
    • Harvest the basil when the institute starts to flower, which will encourage new growth.[six]
  2. two

    Cutting stems right to a higher place the leafage node. When you remove full stems of basil from a constitute, e'er cut as close every bit possible to the height of the leaf node. Foliage nodes are the points on the plant where side shoots sally—aim to cut the stems near .25 inches (0.64 cm) above this point. If you leave more than 1 inch (two.5 cm) in a higher place the leaf node, the plant volition divert nutrients to this stub and away from smaller shoots that need them. This can restrict the overall growth of the plant.[7]

    • When you cut just above the node, the constitute will divide in two, so information technology will continue growing in a bushier, fuller class.[8]
  3. 3

    Pinch the tips off branches and side shoots. While you are watering it or picking off leaves, accept a moment to examine your plant. Use your fingers to gently compression the tips off of side shoots and branches. This will promote healthy growth and allow your plant to make full out.[9]

  4. 4

    Trim abroad flower buds earlier they flower. If y'all want to go along growing basil, you accept to forbid your institute from flowering. Once a basil constitute flowers, it will not produce whatever more leaves. Trim away any buds you run into on your constitute earlier they have the chance to blossom. [x]

    • If you take harvested enough basil leaves and are fix to run into your plant get, allow it to flower and bask the beauty.
    • Basil flowers are edible but their flavor is stronger than basil leaves and their seed pods are coarse and gritty.[xi]
  5. 5

    Harvest total, outdoor plants with a hand pruner. If yous are growing a large crop of basil plants outdoors and wish to harvest the unabridged plants, cut them about iii inches (7.6 cm) higher up the ground. Use a hand pruner to cutting through the unabridged base of the constitute easily. Be sure to shake off the basil plants to remove any bugs and excess dirt.[12]

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  1. 1

    Make clean and shop fresh basil. After you collect basil, examine information technology and remove any expressionless or yellow leaves that you find. Rinse it thoroughly to remove whatsoever dirt or debris. Allow it to air dry, or pat it dry out with a paper towel. So, put it in an airtight container like a ziplock bag or plastic storage container.[13]

    • The basil tin can terminal for up to a few weeks. Merely use the leaves or break pieces off as necessary.
  2. 2

    Flinch and freeze the leaves. Remove basil leaves from their stem and driblet them in a pot of boiling water for five to 10 seconds. Remove them with a slotted spoon and transfer them directly to a large bowl with water and ice in it. Afterward several minutes, remove the leaves and lay them out apartment to dry on paper towels before storing them in the freezer.[xiv]

    • Place basil leaves in a freezer-condom container or ziplock bag.
    • Basil leaves will keep in the freezer for several months.
  3. 3

    Dry your basil. Place basil stems in a dry out newspaper bag and place the bag in a warm dry place, such equally an attic or kitchen cupboard. Permit them dry for one or two weeks, then remove the leaves from the stems. Keep the leaves every bit intact every bit possible and store them in canning jars.[15]

    • Information technology is best to proceed full leaves of dry basil and crumble them at the last minute, if necessary.
    • Pull off whatever yellow or spotted leaves before drying your bail.
    • Dried basil should exist kept for about a year, or every bit long as it keeps the same singled-out aroma.
    • You tin too dry out basil by hanging it upwards in bunches in a warm, dry room.[sixteen]
  4. 4

    Keep fresh basil in water. Clean stems of basil and trim off their bases. Place them in a glass jar with about 1 inch (2.5 cm) to 2 inches (five.1 cm) of h2o at the bottom. Basil stems will keep for up to two weeks if they are kept at room temperature and out of straight sunlight.[17]

  5. v

    Brand "basil cubes." In a nutrient processor, add 1 cup (250 ml) of basil leaves and i tablespoon (xv ml) of grape seed oil. Process this mixture until the basil leaves are in small bits, then add 1 tablespoon (xv ml) water and procedure again to make a paste. Pack the mixture tightly into an ice cube tray and freeze it.[18]

    • Once the cubes are frozen, transfer them into a freezer-safe container or ziplock bag to store them for easy use.
    • You lot can add together basil cubes to sauces, soups, and curries for easy seasoning.
    • Basil cubes will keep in the freezer for approximately three to four months.
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  • Question

    What is the best manner to choice basil?

    Maggie Moran

    Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.

    Maggie Moran

    Home & Garden Specialist

    Expert Answer

    It is best to just pick a few leaves off of each plant. Merely pinch them off at the stalk.

  • Question

    How do you harvest basil without killing the plant?

    Maggie Moran

    Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.

    Maggie Moran

    Dwelling house & Garden Specialist

    Expert Answer

    Don't pick all the leaves off one plant or cut off the entire stem. Instead, pinch off the small tips to aid the found fill out.

  • Question

    How practise you cut fresh basil?

    Maggie Moran

    Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.

    Maggie Moran

    Home & Garden Specialist

    Expert Answer

    To cut fresh basil, employ a abrupt knife and cut the leaves equally fine as you lot need to.

  • Question

    How do you know when to harvest basil?

    Maggie Moran

    Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.

    Maggie Moran

    Dwelling house & Garden Specialist

    Expert Answer

    You can harvest basil at any time throughout the season. Proceed in listen that information technology is better to harvest early in the morning.

  • Question

    When is the best time to harvest basil?

    Artemisia Nursery

    Artemisia Plant nursery is a retail nursery in Northeast Los Angeles specializing in California native plants. Artemisia Nursery is a worker-endemic pocket-sized concern with plans to get a worker-endemic cooperative. In improver to California native plants, Artemisia Nursery offers a option of succulents, heirloom veggie and herb starts, firm plants, pottery, and gardening tools and supplies. Drawing on the knowledge of the founders, Artemisia Nursery also offers consultations, designs, and installations.

    Artemisia Nursery

    Institute Plant nursery & Garden Shop

    Expert Answer

    Harvest your basil when the plant starts to flower. Just follow the stalk dorsum to where there are two leaves emerging from a node and cut only above that. That will encourage your constitute to abound bushier and fuller.

  • Question

    How exercise I harvest basil seeds?

    Ursula Kiener Ford

    Ursula Kiener Ford

    Community Reply

    Basil seeds (which are very tiny!) are found in the flower caput. Cutting off the blossom once it is brownish and let them dry in a warm and dry location. You lot tin can put the stale flowers in a paper bag and milkshake it, then crush it or only crush them over a colander. Pick out the former petals and any chaff (protective casings of seeds) and keep your seeds until you are ready to plant.

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  • Earlier the beginning frost, harvest all your basil leaves and cut the stems downwardly to the ground. The plant will sprout once again in the spring.


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Article Summary X

To harvest basil, wait until your basil plant is at least 6 inches (xv cm) tall. And so, pinch off any number of leaves with your fingers to employ equally a garnish or in a recipe. Leave at least half of the leaves on the institute so that it continues to grow. Y'all can also cut the stem 1/4 inch above a leafage if your basil plant is getting taller than y'all'd like. Skin the private leaves off of the stem afterwards. To harvest the entire found at the end of the growing season, cut the stem where it meets the soil. Then, choice the individual leaves off of the stem before discarding it. If flower buds announced on your establish at any indicate, trim them off with a scissors before they bloom. Otherwise, your establish won't grow back after y'all trim its leaves. For more advice from our Horticulturist reviewer, including how to remove full stems of basil for larger-scale harvesting, keep reading.

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